Thursday, July 30, 2009

Great yoga practice, not as hot as I thought but definitely offered challenging poses. Tried my hardest to focus, but my left knee & right upper thigh were a little tight. Hopefully nothing yoga practice can't fix.

Distance: n/a
State of Mind: Keep you gaze steady my love, yours are the eyes that have seen god

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weather wise, today was a very very very strange day. When I off the train around 6pm tonight, the sky was a greyish black, quite unappealing. But I knew I had to run, for no other reason than to avoid being stranded at my house by myself. So I strapped on my favorite rain outfit & headed to the park. I was happily surprised to see M & T there, two hot boys to compliment the rain. I tried to get us to leave right away to avoid any other runners showing up BUT T made us wait just in case.

M & F ended up joining us as we made our way to the inside loop, which really balanced out the group. We ran quite hard, especially since most of us endured the mile repeats yesterday. I just kept focusing on the men, which completely took my mind away from the run. Very nice, I have to say.

It rained almost the whole time we were out there, I felt thoroughly drenched & cleansed at the same time.

Distance: 5.35 miles
State of Mind: Wimps finish last

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today was another track workout with the speed group, so exciting. We met up at Bartel Prichard Square & ran down the slope to Red Hook track. The track was seriously packed, but we had a big workout to accomplish so I was very focused. We did mile repeats -- four to be exact -- trying to keep them consistent.

I am reading the ChiRunning book that has gotten some press lately & I really tried to bring some of those techniques to my practice tonight. The group of ladies I ran with gave me stiff competition, but I really tried to focus on my form, my breathing & my times to stay strong. Sometimes, I felt so focused that I could only see what was directly in front of me, especially when I was in pain.

Our recovery time was great, almost 6 minutes with each repeat but I definitely noticed my heartrate struggling to go down towards the last two repeats. I kept on starring at my watch begging my heart to calm down, but apparentely pleaing with your heart doesn't really work. But I did notice that my heartrate during the repeats stayed steady...which is good news for my fitness level.

Distance: 2 mile bike ride, 2 mile run, 4x1 mile repeats, 2 mile run, 2 mile bike ride
Time: 6:33, 6:27 (felt the strongest too), 6:32, 6:32
State of Mind: Very pleased with my ability to control myself

Monday, July 27, 2009

Even though the day turned out beautiful, I decided to stay in & ride my computrainer. I guess the tour inspired me. I ended up riding 45 minutes & trying to take it hard on commercial breaks. Biking is super cross-training, feels invigorating.

Distance: biking miles are so much easier than running miles
State of Mind: Sweat, sweat, sweat

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Did an easy loop with K & K this morning. Truthfully, I was tired from yesterday's run. I know we didn't run that hard, but maybe the distance itself did me in. The humidity isn't helping either. I wanted to get out on my bike today, but I may just take it easy & give my legs a little break.

Distance: 5.35 miles
State of Mind: Feeling more fit...atleast feeling more tired from my efforts

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Woke up tired, but ready to get out in the open & put in a good run. It was a smaller group, just give of us that stuck together but thankfully it was five extremely talented & fun runners. We did the Battery Park City loop, which is really one of my favorites. We made a few minor route changes to the run, which weren't my favorite BUT nothing big. I think I just love be as close to the water & as seemingly far away from the city as I can be. Haha.

Distance: 13.2 miles
State of Mind: Much needed long run

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Went to much needed yoga practice tonight, sometimes I feel like I have to do everything in my power to maintain my sense of self in this city & yoga definitely is a place where it seems to all come together.

J joined me, which I am not sure is a good or bad thing. Not that it really matters, but I think going to practice by myself would help me escape a little more. Ali wanted us to try to do as much of practice with our eyes closed & really felt a difference. I was able to focus more, feel more in-tune with my movement & enjoy the practice that much more.

She also said that showing up to practice once a week doesn't make you a yogi, in any way...shape...or form. And that if you trully want to embrace the yogi lifestyle, you need to start living it every moment of every single day. Seeing the darkness will only make you feel the like that much more.

Distance: n/a
State of Mind: Reaching for something...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Met up with the speed session group tonight, it was strange to run in Brooklyn again...especially in the humid, wet weather. Coach wanted us to do mile repeats, but due to the weather we did a tempo run instead.

I was able to stay with the solid group of girls, but started struggling (and frankly not caring) early on. All of the girls passed me, but I tried to hold strong as long as I could. One issue I was having was the pain in my shoulder, which seemed to feel better 2 miles in.

I talked to coach afterwards, he said that I need to learn how to stay with the group as they accelerate & steady, which totally makes sense. I guess I just didn't have it in me today.

Distance: 2 mile bike ride, 4 mile warmup/tempo, 1 mile warmdown, 2 mile bike ride
State of Mind: Pissed off by my lack of fitness & competitiveness

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Spent an absolutely amazing 5 days in the vineyard, full of lots of drinking, food & activity. Besides sailing, swimming, body surfing, boogie boarding & hiking -- I also made time each morning for an an easy run with my family. We did anywhere from 3 to 4 miles through the dirt paths & onto the beaches, following each run with a little skinny dipping in the pond to cool our legs. My aunt is even better shape than last year & the teenage cousins are definitely catching up to me...but nothing I couldn't handle.

Distance: who cares
State of Mind: The blood running through my body feels renewed

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Headed to the vineyard today, so I knew I wouldn't have time for a run. But I did crawl myself out of bed & do 30 minutes on the computrainer, which had me sweating up a storm. I closed my eyes at one point & imagined what it would be like to be on the TDF, I so would have a problem with all of those cute guys.

Distance: 8 miles on the bike
State of Mind: Still not feeling workout full

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Met up with the speed group today, was really excited to head down to the track to get a more intense & measured workout. I rode my bike all the way there, which I guess was a little disappointing since I wanted to run more & cruise less.

We ended up doing 1000's, which were hard for me. Well, the group I was with did amazing & I did just okay. Not sure why, just didn't have the energy to push it further.

Rode home & again felt like I didn't do enough. What is my problem?

Distance: 3.5 mile bike ride, 1000'sx4, 3.5 mile bike ride
State of Mind: Disappointed, but not too bad

Sunday, July 12, 2009

So pumped to check out Rockefeller State Park today, the city is wonderful & I have truly learned to appreciate it...but the country takes me to a place that the city will never have a chance at.

The hubs was able to get the van from work, which was wonderful so we picked up A, A & R in Brooklyn & made our way up to the park. It was a little further than I expected, but the towns we drove through along the way were really quite quaint.

Once we got to the park, we honestly had no idea where to we just started running. We ended up running on wide, gravel roads most of the time but did eventually make our way to a few smaller trails. We ran for about 6 miles or equivalent to an hour in trail running time before heading back. It wasn't until we hit the Hudson River did we realize that we were much further out than we anticipated. Through rolling hills, run-ins with 3-way trail options & no sense of direction between the 5 of us, we somehow were able to find our way back.

It was really an enchanting run. We all were soaked through & dead tired as we headed out of the park. There was something really bonding & special about running in the park together, I don't know if it was the wilderness & wildlife we saw, or just the whole feeling of being in the middle of nowhere with only each other to count on. Either way, it was a wonderful idea that I hope we do again.

Plus, the homemade iced coffee & oatmeal cookies made the trip even that much more worth it.

Distance: 10.44 miles
State of Mind: Calmness....

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Met up with a smaller group this morning at 7am, the time change in our weekend run was definitely a little bit of a killer. We decided to stay local & head down to Greenwood Cemetery, which was very pretty & relaxing. Ended up running with A on the way back, which is always nice. But after I got home, I felt the need to do a little I put on my bike gear & headed down to the park with the hubs for a two medium-to-hard loops. Nice to spend almost all morning at my favorite place.

Distance: 7.7 mile run, 8.5 mile bike
State of Mind: Loving the summer

Friday, July 10, 2009

Enjoyed a very much needed yoga practice tonight. My legs & arms have been really acting strange lately & I knew that yoga would help breath some life back into them. I even tried a one legged arm stand, which was ridiculously hard. But I did manage to crawl up & down the wall from wheel position, which I was able to complete albeit breathing very heavily & awkwardly making my way in & out of the position. It just goes to show how much dedication you need to stay sharply tuned.

Distance: n/a
State of Mind: Sweaty & thankful

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ran with the regular Wed group today, but because I skipped lunch it was an extremely difficult run. After snacking on light food all day, I got extremely hungry at 6pm & decided to stuff myself with some crackers & cheese before heading off to my run. Since I didn't have time to process the meal, I think my body really suffered during the run. After about 2 miles, things got a little easier...but it definitely was a lesson.

Distance: 5 miles
State of Mind: Learning obvious lessons...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Did 800m repeats with the speed group tonight, focusing on 5k pace. I tried to run strong, to stay with the girls as much as possible. I didn't feel weak today, but I did notice that during recovery that my legs & arms felt oxygen (I think) deprived. We did a long warmdown, which was even a struggle for me. But, overall, besides what I noticed...I ran pretty steady tonight.

Distance: 2.5 mile bike ride, 1 mile warm up, 4x800m's, 1.5 mile warmdown
State of Mind: Is it really that hard for me to improve?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Met up with K & B, felt really good this morning. We ended up doing mostly the trails at the park & then went a little longer by heading out to Ft. Greene for a few more miles. It was nice hanging out with the boys, good change of conversation.

Distance: 7.8 miles
State of Mind: The outdoors rule

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ran the Pepper Martin 5-miler this morning in Staten Island. I wasn't all that excited about doing the race, had the feeling I could take it or leave it. But K & A both were in, so I didn 't want to disappoint. Arrived about an hour early for ther race & quickly met up with some fellow PPTCers. A, B & I warmed up, getting used to the course a bit before making our way to the start.

I tried to run a smart race, which is something that I have been really struggling with. So I tried to take it easy on mile one, but again I came in at 6:45 pace. Definitely was slower on miles two & three, partially because I needed to relax more & partially due to the uphills. The course finished with a 2-mile downhill run, which was really fun. I kept on pushing the pace & almost caught up to a new PPTC, Coco. Almost.

Last year, I ran a 37:28, keeping a 7:30 pace. This year, much better. Very much happy with it. Even if I don't medal.

Distance: 1 mile warmup, 5 mile race at 36:56 with a 7:12 pace, 1/4 mile warmdown
State of Mind: Nice to have a long weekend with the hubs, plus a little bit of running

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thanks to the fourth, I was able to get out of work early & run some errands...amidst the rain. Showed up to practice, a little nervous since I missed last week & since my legs have felt pretty insane lately.

Not too many students joined tonight, which didn't really change the heat/humidity of the room. Ali was all about protection...protecting who you love, fear of loss. The heat really allowed me to go further, but tonight I was distracted. I guess I have to say goodbye, a little voidness enters my mind when I say that.

Distance: n/a
State of Mind: I hate feeling like a robot...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Took a half day today, needed a break from the insanity of Midtown advertising. So I had the afternoon to enjoy myself, which obviously involved a run. The hubs & I decided to do the Brooklyn bridge route, amidst tourist & very humid conditions. The run out to the bridge was definitely pressing, but the way back was pleasant...maybe because of the angle of the sun & the wind. We walked a bit once we got back across the bridge too, just catching up & trying to enjoy spending time together.

Distance: 7 miles (about 6 running)
State of Mind: Love love love spending time with the hubs