Almost walked right out of the building tonight, was just too tired & spacey to take on the effort of yoga. But I knew I owed it to my body to try to work out some of the inbalances that I have caused, so I closed my mind off & joined the practice.
Strangely enough, it was one of my best yoga practices ever. Not sure why, I just felt so little distraction & so much focus, it was amazing. With the slightest of adjustments, I was going to a whole new place. I even (with the help of Ali) did a head stand without much fuss, which is a huge feat for me. Ali just kept on saying, over & over again, you outer presence is a symbol of what's within...which I tried to internalize. Part of me struggled with that, since I feel like there are so may distractions, headaches, battles that change my outer presence. But I will try to learn from her words.
Distance: n/a
State of Mind: I know I say this all the time, but yoga truly saves me.
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