Saturday, October 31, 2009

With B in town & the marathon looming, I was excited to get out & get in a good run. A light drizzle was coming down, but it was hot & humid...unlike what you would expect on halloween. After a proper debate, we decided to take on the Brooklyn/Williamsburg bridge. I felt really good, which is a bit of a change for me.

After getting over into Manhattan, we all broke up into mini-groups. I ended up with B & B, which I knew would be fast for me...but I was feeling good. We completely missed the turn to the Bburg bridge & ran until we hit Houston. Knowing that we were off the intended course, we picked up the pace to try to catch up & I literally tired myself out trying to find the main group -- mainly because I felt bad about leaving an out-of-town friend. I hit a wall at near the BQE & basically carried myself back to home.

Distance: 11.25 miles
State of Mind: Exhausted & not entirely sure why I worry so much

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